The winter season conjures up thoughts of snow, icy roads, and howling winds—not exactly ideal conditions for moving to a new apartment. But there are some advantages to moving in the winter. It’s often cheaper to hire a moving company in the winter than than the rest of the year. It’s also a slower season for moving companies, which makes for more flexible scheduling. For those who embrace the DIY approach and enlist a team of friends, roommates, and family members to make their move, it also tends to be cheaper to secure a rental truck during the colder months.

Still, there are a few safety considerations to keep in mind if you’re planning to move into a new apartment in the upcoming months. Here are eight tips to help your winter move go as smoothly as possible:

1. Time Your Winter Move

Although fewer tenants opt for a winter move, many choose the holidays to reduce the impact on work. If possible, choose another time when movers may have more flexibility.

Keep in mind that daylight is at a premium during the winter months. In St. Louis, for example, there are only nine hours and 27 minutes of daylight on December 22nd. Also, the sun does not rise as high into the sky. On cloudy days, light levels drop by mid-afternoon.  A morning to mid-afternoon move might be ideal.

Does your move involve a trek through the mountains? If so, have a contingency plan in the event of heavy mountain snow that might close down roads. Perhaps there’s a more southern route you can choose if weather conditions require it.

2. Make a List and Check it Twice

Lists tend to impose order on what may feel like a chaotic exercise. They also help you break down the experience into bite-size chunks. If you have children and/or pets, your list might include arranging for a babysitter, or pet sitter, or both.

It is always possible that inclement weather will require rescheduling. One moving company, United Van Lines, recommends that you stay in close touch with your mover before the big day. Pay close attention if the move requires a trek through the mountains. Temporary road closures are always a possibility.

3. Dress for Success

It’s important to dress for safety and comfort when moving during the cold months. Winter moving may involve trips from the chilly outdoors to the warm indoors, and back again. Have warm, water-resistant gloves and layered clothing ready to go. Select the right footwear as well. Slip-resistant, waterproof boots are an ideal choice. It’s vital to avoid wet hands and feet.A man loads boxes into the back of his car. His daughter is sitting in the hatchback holding a box smiling at him. A quote reads: "The winter season conjures up thoughts of snow, icy roads, and howling winds—not exactly ideal conditions for moving to a new apartment. But there are some advantages to moving in the winter."

4. Pack Early

Packing well ahead of time is always good advice. In the winter, it’s “pack early!” with an exclamation point. Streamline your move ahead of time by making it a time for decluttering. Secure quality moving supplies that will stand up to the rigors of winter weather. This is not the time to rely on old, flimsy boxes.

Better planning equals fewer trips in and out of your new living space. This is particularly important in winter weather. Keep an ample supply of winter wear in your vehicle.

Cold weather is unkind to temperature-sensitive belongings. Isolate them and load them in your vehicle just before you depart. Medications, medical supplies, and electronics are key examples. Silica gel packets also protect electronics against humidity. Musical instruments and antiques may be quite sensitive to the cold as well, so take care when transporting these items.

5. Pay Attention to the Whims of Mother Nature

Consider conditions at both your current and future homes. Clear snow, slush, and ice from any pathways your mover will use. Perhaps you can’t visit your new residence before your move date. In that instance, ask the property manager to ensure that things are all set for your movers.

In the winter, you may not have the luxury of setting boxes and furniture down on dry pavement. Deploy waterproof tarps to keep your belongings dry. Likewise, if there’s a threat of rain or snow, cover your belongings until it is possible to move them indoors.

Your new landlord will have cleaned your living space prior to your arrival. Protect those floors from slush, snow, and salt with non-slip floor protection. One option is self-adhesive protection film. You’ll find 36” wide rolls at places like Home Depot. Cardboard also works, but be sure to secure the edges.

6. Take Care of Your Movers

Call your movers a week before your scheduled move to coonfirm arrival time and other details. On moving day, think of the needs of your moving crew. Consider treating them to warm drinks, snacks, and sandwiches to thank them for assisting you during your winter move.

7. Arrange for Optional Winter Storage

It’s not always possible to move everything directly from your former residence to your new one. When necessary, arrange for short-term storage. A climate-controlled unit keeps your valuables safe from both cold and moisture. For example, furniture is subject to warpage. Electronics may also be vulnerable: in wet, cold environments, ice crystals may damage delicate circuits and other components. They are best stored where temperatures are between 50° and 80°.

8. Keep a Positive Attitude

As with other transitions in life, a winter move is a time for calm, patience, and resilience. Maintain a healthy perspective. Before you know it, you’ll be settling into your new apartment and the next chapter of your life will begin to unfold!

About Draper and Kramer

Draper and Kramer is a full-service real estate firm founded in 1893 with properties from Chicago to St. Louis and from Dallas-Fort Worth to Phoenix. Visit our website to browse our entire collection of luxury apartment communities.

A couple smiles holding up the keys to their new house. They are standing outside, in front of the house, wearing winter jackets.

As with other transitions in life, a winter move is a time for calm, patience, and resilience. Maintain a healthy perspective. Before you know it, you’ll be settling into your new apartment and the next chapter of your life will begin to unfold!

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